Weather Report..................

Rain ..?
Collected 12 litres .. And the wind changed.
Breezy, cooler, this morning. 13 degrees at sunup.
Had to do my calisthenics in trakkie bottoms and sweatshirt.
Better now.
Got supplies of winter brandy in .
You can't be too careful.
We had some proper heavy rain overnight in Herts, but that seems to be behind us and it's forecast to be dry for the rest of the day.
It's about 11°C at the moment with 15°C expected later this afternoon.
And slightly better weather is expected in time for the weekend.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Here in the Weald, our forecast is for a light breeze and intermittent showers all day, with the current temperature of 11° rising to a maximum of circa 14°.

I think its time to dig out the French and Runner Beans, and see can be done to help the remaining tomatoes in the greenhouse before blight hits them.