Just stop it, will you; some of us are trying to cope, and this meteorology is a tricky thing, to both say and type ... We had a 5 minute burst of sunshine and then the fuse blew and it's back to grey skies and a heady 4 degrees ...Mustn't Grumble.
Just cool enough to justify a brandy with the coffee, under the Olive Tree.
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You've got the Moho, Steve.Just stop it, will you; some of us are trying to cope, and this meteorology is a tricky thing, to both say and type ... We had a 5 minute burst of sunshine and then the fuse blew and it's back to grey skies and a heady 4 degrees ...
Hoping to book the Ferry tomorrow for a sailing to France and then on to Spain for 8 weeks or so! Meanwhile, it's down to minus 2 degrees plus the windchill ...You've got the Moho, Steve.
Just get to France or Spain.
Then head south until you see the sea.
If you're still in Spain, turn right.
That's just what we did..
22+ year's ago.
Lovely calm evening, down to 14 degrees, no wind chill.
Just right for sitting on the terrace, tincture in hand, after a massive washing up session.
Last done, Friday morning..
We have just 1½ Kw heating the whole house.
Just added comments to The Laird's photos of Lochore, so you can post and point out all my errors from a gently failing memory function after our visit in the Summer ...Lovely and sunny again in Arbroath but the cold wind still blows. Thinking of going to Lochore tonight.