Weather Report..................

A funny old day, from a clear bright blue sky this morning, to 8 degrees and cloud right now, to the possibility of a few light showers later. Rather like mountain weather, if you don't like it, wait 15 minutes. ☁️ ⛅ 🌨️ ☁️
Nice enough to remove some of the thermals..
Winds variable and 12 degrees.
Down to 4, overnight.
A local guy was bragging that he was wearing 6 layers, the other night. It was 2 degrees.

I felt quite macho, wearing 3 on top, a cap and 3 on be my feet.
Legs, only 2 layers, though.
Hint of spring in the air..
Swallows and other residents are setting up house
Nice enough to remove some of the thermals..
Winds variable and 12 degrees.
Down to 4, overnight.
A local guy was bragging that he was wearing 6 layers, the other night. It was 2 degrees.

I felt quite macho, wearing 3 on top, a cap and 3 on be my feet.
Legs, only 2 layers, though.
Hint of spring in the air..
Swallows and other residents are setting up house
'One swallow doth not a Slummer make' as the ancient proverb doesn't quite have it ... :D
