Weather Report..................

Lee;n31612 said:
Would you like to explain you're last sentence?

You know how pure my mind is, Lee.
Innocent as the day I was born, I am !

After a little light shower, over night, putting a welcome extra day into our cisterns, its cool cloudy and blustery. Morose looking clouds coming from the north east.

Our forecast was for a rainless day.

We drove up to Sao Bras, 6miles west, on a hilltop. I decided to go sock less, in sandals and tee shirted.

While queueing for the only ATM open, ( it being Good Friday ), I got soaked in a flash downpour.

Bone dry roads, when we got back to our village.
Fridge filled with lovely cerveja preta and sweet fizz for our family, who arrive tomorrow.
Overnight rain. Clear fresh morning.

Management in pre-visitor cleaning frenzy.

Just as the third washer load started rinsing, I heard the tell-tail slurp telling me the small cistern's empty.

No worries, Storm Irene is due to arrive next week.

If we're doomed, my son will have to help empty the wine cellar beforehand.
The rivers by us had burst their banks yesterday. it's going to be dry all day until the evening today, so maybe they will go down a little.
Tes;n31709 said:
The rivers by us had burst their banks yesterday. it's going to be dry all day until the evening today, so maybe they will go down a little.

I'm only about three yards from a river ?, hope it stays dry today.
I woke this morning to a sunny day, what's happened to the rain?

Then I realised it's April so we can only have showers now.
18 degrees, sunny intervals, windy.
Excuse the short reply.
Storm Irene? Going to flatten Portugal.? Fake news.

My grandsons are more likely to annihilate us .
Pauljenny;n31738 said:
18 degrees, sunny intervals, windy.
Excuse the short reply.
Storm Irene? Going to flatten Portugal.? Fake news.

My grandsons are more likely to annihilate us .

Remember Mr Fish!!!

Raining in the Devon valleys
:Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops absolute deluge here, just had a duck floating about in the middle of the field we're in!


It am are not raining here.
Hancock's Half-hour... The Radio Ham.

. Strangely, I can't see my hand in front of my face.
Edina;n31838 said:
Blessed with a little more
rain in Devon.

How's the head this morning Paul?

Clear as a mountain stream, Chris.
whatever could you be implying?
weather, Breezy, cloudy, cool..ish. Not enough to deter the Grandsons from demanding to go to the beach... They'll have buried their Dad by now..
Storm Irene has still not killed us yet. I wish it would hurry, we've just about supped all the booze.
Well needed towing out of a quagmire this morning and now we're told to expect a typhoon in the morning :Grinmacing_Face_Emo
It's not all sunshine, is it Bill.
Good luck, enjoy the adventure...and the contrast.
Where's our resident weather correspondent got to - pedaled off into the sunset and got himself lost?

For a change, Devon is receiving more of the wet stuff rain110.gifrain110.gifrain110.gif surely they must run out soon :Very_sad_emoji_icon


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