Weather Report..................

Winds changed to southwesterly. Cloudy cool and breezy. No rain forecast...

Gipsy Market, today.
Somebody has to go and eat piri piri chicken, drink rough, red wine and gossip with the neighbours .. What a chore. I'm knackered from changing all the clocks.. It's happening too often !

Luckily, it's the last one before setting off on our travels in 3 weeks.
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Perfect morning here in Norfolk, up to 12 degrees later and :The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji:

Blue cloudless sky, gentle breeze. 20 degrees in the shade.
The whole forecast for the coming week has been changed overnight.

Incredible! I wonder how the weather boffins explain that ?
Still can't believe that we managed to eat three meals outdoors, considering yesterday's forecast.
They say no rain until Friday., now.
We're keeping the umbrella handy.
Another glorious day.
23 in the shade.
Living on the terrace.

Son and family arrive on Saturday.

Regrettably, I can't find an excuse to avoid decorating.

Where is the rain, when I need it?
2cv;n31401 said:
What a difference a day makes!

let us know where you will be, this summer.

you're a nice guy, but a flamin jinx...
we'll try to avoid you.
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Lovely day today 5 degrees and rain.
Welcome home Ken.
:Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops in Norfolk, feeling at home here.
Pauljenny;n31418 said:
2cv;n31401 said:
What a difference a day makes!

let us know where you will be, this summer.

you're a nice guy, but a flamin jinx...
we'll try to avoid you.

Well they do say the sun shines on the righteous, so you should be ok.
We're having a mini Bentley rally, Bill.

Peter and Val have fought their way through foul weather and are enjoying Flag cracking sunshine and 25 in the shade.. Pity you couldn't join us... We could do with some more rain.. If you could come, don't rush... We've got the family visiting next week and the grandsons want a hot beach.

I was dutifully decorating the outside at 7.30 this morning. . Knocking off Time, Noon. The paint was drying on the brush .
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Have fun in the sun at your mini Bentley rally. We're having one here too, though some have succumbed to Autosleepers as the Bentleys get older. Guess which make has technical problems ?
2cv;n31448 said:
Have fun in the sun at your mini Bentley rally. We're having one here too, though some have succumbed to Autosleepers as the Bentleys get older. Guess which make has technical problems ?
Our previous MH was an Autosleeper.
Nuff Said.
29 in the shade, now.

The lizards and I are staying in the shade.