We're off

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

Just been to have my bloods done for the Urologist, Biopsy 5th of Octember.

Just going to have a cuppa then a shower and off to Chester for the day, Roodee for the night maybe then Liverpool for the ferry to Dublin tomorrow, wild camping all the way if I can figure out these new to me apps as they appear to be trying to be all things to all men, wish WC had some POIs, I might add whatever I find just in case.
Just in Chester, nightmare to park a van, dumped it on double yellows and put the badger in.

Got the scooter out, no obvious way to unfold it manually, I took the battery out to charge it, put battery in and it kept beeping at me, changed battery, same again, googled it and found a video, seems thete is a red lever, moved that and it works, learning curve innit
Nice C M/H site , Chester Fairoaks , just off M/Way right nxt to Cheshire Oaks Outlets handy for shopping.
Nice C M/H site , Chester Fairoaks , just off M/Way right nxt to Cheshire Oaks Outlets handy for shopping.
we have a nice wc place we go to, but thank you.
On ferry now, hope it's more reliable than Cal Mac, warm n sunny in the Pool.
We headed south out of Dublin, traffic was awful took over an hour to get out of 2nd gear we're over near Kilkenny I think almost an hour from where we were heading but too dark to fart about and it's quite nice rural and quiet, will post poi tomorrow.
Not seen a British reg yet, and only two vans no caravans at all certain traveller ones
In Waterford, all disabled parking bays have meter alongside them with no mention of blue badges really hot down here too.

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