Morning, Graham,Morning
House cleaning and waiting in for tradesmen today.
Aviva tried to call me when I was speaking to the Lead Contractor, so they left a Voicemail Message. The Agent forgot to press 'End' to leave the message so kept the Recording live. Quite an interesting analysis of my complaint with her colleagues! I'll save that Message!Ours are the Open Reach engineer to sort our broadband out and our plumber as the CH pump he fitted last March is now squealing when it works so I'm guessing it's on it's way out.
Where was it fitted, it should be beside the burner on the hot pipe out, it should spin up every time the boiler fires to heat rads or w tank.Ours are the Open Reach engineer to sort our broadband out and our plumber as the CH pump he fitted last March is now squealing when it works so I'm guessing it's on it's way out.
Where was it fitted, it should be beside the burner on the hot pipe out, it should spin up every time the boiler fires to heat rads or w tank.
Henley-on-Thames will H-o-T, but Spain will be hotter ...Morning
Off to Spain today!
Well...Henley on Thames anyway en route to Spain.
Yep they can stick, I always keep one spare head just in case, mine has a manual lever to open if it dies.We have UFH and in the end it wasn't the pump squealing it was one of the zone valves. They are 'closed' until heat is demanded so we reckon the valve isn't fully shut so is whistling as the water pressure tries to get through it. It stops when that zone is on.