Who's Awake

Yes great thanks. Down at St. Hiliare de reiz just now, weather been great but cooler and windy today. Heading back to Brittany next week as we have rented a gite for a week at Crozon.
Had a bad night with the storm/rain, we leek in the roof of home at porch lead joint, some small amount of water got in and came down the living room wallpaper, so up in loft i had to put a paint try under a beam with a catch rag stapled half way down the wet beam to cause a drip into the bucket.
When it dries up its a roof sealing job for me, to be honest the builder of my porch was a d--khead and used a one peace lead strip where it should have been done in 3, now expansion cracks have opened in it, sealer or a redo is on the cards, more fechen work as i get older. :mad: