Who's Awake

Morning chaps/chapesses

Off home today after an excellent trip.
Up most of the night with burning legs, its the tablets im on, anyway its pi--ing down of and on so no outside work for me today. ;)
Morning all

Just more 'stuff' to do very slowly today as my back really hurts!
Yes im woried about that bit too. :eek:

Yep me too.

I somehow put my back out whilst on our recent trip. It wasn't a sudden thing either it just crept up on me and it bloody canes!

and on Monday I've got to have a cataract operation too!
Yep me too.

I somehow put my back out whilst on our recent trip. It wasn't a sudden thing either it just crept up on me and it bloody canes!

and on Monday I've got to have a cataract operation too!
Reaching retirement is fun, so i was told, dont listen is all cr-p, you are fooked by 65 if the truth is told, 50 would be a better age to stop work.

Covid booster and 'flu jab first thing then watching cricket and rugby on the telly all day for me. Being mostly incapacitated by having a bad back has its advantages: sloth!
We've had the log burner lit since we got back this week but I have resisted firing up our oil fired heating thus far.