Weather Report..................

What the bbc report fails to explain is that the Foehn effect occurs because the air cooling as it rises is moist and therefore cools at the wet adiabatic lapse rate but the air warming as it falls does so at the dry adiabatic lapse rate which is greater resulting in the higher temperature.
Bet you all wanted to know that.
Jenny worked in Munich, for a couple of years.
They have quite requent and heavy Foehn effect there.
They claim that this causes them to act strangely, and was often used as an excuse or alibi , when they ended up in court..
She blames it for deciding to pack her job in and come back to Blighty and seduce me.
We're an erudite lot ,on this website.
..............We're an erudite lot ,on this website.

Are the need to research the meaning of the word 'erudite' and being erudite mutually exclusive?
And does either affect the weather on any particular day?
As usual, I'm finding it difficult to keep up.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
That's a truly brilliant photo, Dave.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂

Thank you Colin, I was just in the right place at the right time and the fish weren‘t being cooperative by then ........ on the way home I missed what I think might have been a good sunset shot (I’m a sucker for sunset photos), the sun was still full and just low enough to silhouette the woodland, by the time I could stop the car it was dipping below the horizon 🙁
It's very grey here in Hertfordshire this morning and about 6°C on this, the very last day of 2019. The forecast is for more of the same greyness and dryness for the coming few days so hopefully the tracks will get to dry out a little - I'm bored with washing a kilogramme or so of mud off the Brompton every couple of days!

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Another cracker, I'm afraid.
T shirt, sockless, forced eat outdoors.
We did drive up to the big town, to shop and had coffee outside .. In the breeze, it was 18 degrees.
I realised that the next table was in the shade. My phone said 15.5 degrees.... We moved across.
So I nipped in and ordered a Brandy..
We're sitting on the Roman bridge at Tavira. Wearing all our thermals.
Lovely breezless night.8 degrees.
A local band is cheerfully murdering Abba's back catalogue. It's clearing the wax out of our ears.
The people are walkng in .
They are loud and look happy.
The fireworks start at Midnight. Then the main band will come on.. Loud , lashings of lasers and FX.
It will continue till. 4 am..
We'll be long gone .
I'll try and post a pic or two, if I remember.
Boa Anno.
I'd like to wish all past, present and future posters and visitors to the 'Weather Report....' a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year.
May your Moho adventures in 2020 be safe, enjoyable and stress free.
Nature is anticipating longer days and warmer weather:


Colin 🙂🙂🙂