Weather Report..................

No firework pics available due to a technical fault
B.I C. F....
Booze Influenced Camera Failure.
I was too busy going... " WOW ", to notice.
A Four S,s day, today..
That's a good enough start to a new decade.
It was very grey and uninspiring here in Herts first thing but now the sun is making it's presence felt and is beginning to break the solid grey up with a smattering of blue.
Thank goodness for that!

Colin :):):)
Ey up !

Only 10 degrees here... You're making us jealous.
Management put 2 washer loads on , overnight, ( cheap rate electricity ), on the strength of a good forecast for today .
It's cold, grey and the what little wind has shifted to the east.
I'm not one to blame anybody.. but..?
Good news: There was a large brandy waiting for me at the coffee shop.. 1.50 € ...
Mustn't Grumble.
Hertfordshire fitted the same unfortunate pattern as reported above. I set off on the Brompton under the smattering of blue whereupon it reverted to grey, some of which was worryingly dark. And then. of course, the breeze built considerably resulting in a bit of a workout during a large part of the 20km return leg.
On a positive note I was only soaked in sweat, not rain.

Colin :):):)
Nippy here, too.
As we're off on Saturday morning, it was a perfect excuse to make a fridge emptying stew.
Hearty meal , another in the freezer, with sundry blanched vegetables, for when we eventually get back
Nice empty fridges, to clean...
And a perfect excuse to dine out , tomorrow night.
Job done.
It's actually warmer tonight.. 11 degrees .
3.5 KW of Dimplex heaters keep us toasty warm.