Well had a disaster this trip, wife broke her upper arm on our second day in Benidorm by falling of her bike, I was on some ladders cleaning the
solar panels, because we had a layer of sand on the roof from the rain that brings sand from the Sahara dessert.
Well I managed to fall of the roof and landed very hard on my left leg, ball of my foot knackers and my knee, fought nothing of it, but after limping for two weeks thought I better go to hospital, x-ray showed no bone breakage, so I was sent home with some Naproxen and got an injection in my backside.
I was still suffering a week later and the naproxen where not working, my knee was still painful when I walked, so I went and paid to see a private doctor who arranged for an MRI scan at an additional cost of €315.00, got the report later that day and went back to see the doctor, she emailed a consultant the report and the scan to see if he thought he could give me a steroid injection, but he said that wouldn't do any good and I'm going to require keyhole surgery.
I said to the doctor well I can't have surgery here as I need to drive the motorhome back to the UK and my wife can't drive it in her present state and I wouldn't be able to after the operation, so I said for now I will just have to struggle on and show my doctor the report when I get home and get a second opinion.
The conclusion of the MRI scan is I've got a rupture of the internal Meniscus. Signs that suggest a slight leverage of the lateral collateral ligament. Osteochondral lesion in the ball joint. I've now been given Tramadol and some stomach tablets, the doctor advised that swimming and cycling would help as they aren't weigh bearing and to keep my leg up with ice packs on my knee and wear a knee brace
What a trip and the weather has been poor compared to last year, hopefully I will be able to drive back, I've got a manual gearbox, but hopefully once I'm on the motorways won't need to use the clutch much. Be glad when this trip is over.