We've moved from the Aire at Roquetes this morning, so have lost the free EHU. Was going to move to the Aire at Tortosa, but pig ignorant and selfish Dutch have been replaced by their French counterparts, with a TAG taking up 4 pitches, their TOAD a 5th, and parked sufficiently far forward to prevent access to the remaining pitch.
Think France and Netherlands don't bother with social miscreants; to save Police time, they just pack them up in Motorhomes and tell them to follow the signs for Spain. Scum of the earth, especially the twat who parked his Library Van 8 metres plus next to us and parked his chairs on part of our pitch and refused to move until my twin pronged attack of filling the water in none too careful a way, spraying it liberally around our pitch whilst breaking wind very close to his face
So we are now back at L'Aldea for a couple of nights before beginning the drive north towards Bilbao for the
30th April Ferry