GROUND CONDITIONS UPDATE@ Hollingworth Lake Country Park , Littleborough , Lancashire, Thursday May 23th Until Tuesday May 28th 2024

GROUND CONDITIONS UPDATE@ Hollingworth Lake Country Park , Littleborough , Lancashire, Thursday May 23th Until Tuesday May 28th 2024
Posted by jeffmossy
Littleborough Rugby Club , Hollingworth Lake , Rakewood ,Littleborough
Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 10:00 AM
Until: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 12:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: Europe/London)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/London

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates
If you are attending the follow on rally at Stone I have arranged it that we can stay here for the Tuesday evening, I am just awaiting confirmation that we can arrive at Stone on the Wednesday afternoon then it will save you looking for somewhere for a couple of nights, there is still a £11 per night charge at Hollingworth and £15 at Stone but that is the best I can do for you. If you are interested in this extra 2 days then please inform me or Lorraine on arrival at Hollingworth Lake. Thank you
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If you are attending the follow on rally at Stone I have arranged it that we can stay here for the Tuesday evening, I am just awaiting confirmation that we can arrive at Stone on the Wednesday afternoon then it will save you looking for somewhere for a couple of nights, there is still a £11 per night charge at Hollingworth and £15 at Stone but that is the best I can do for you. If you are interested in this extra 2 days then please inform me or Lorraine on arrival at the Hollingworth Lake. Thank you
Cheers Jeff
Or if you wanted somewhere different to stay for a night or two just 23 miles away, you could try the carding shed
In Holmfirth, an interesting café just a short walk from the centre of Holmfirth,
You just need to phone the day before to book a slot.

01484 680300
A great spot, Richard, with a nice collection of old vehicles and ephemera and great fish finger butties too
I was looking for the "Put your money in an envelope with your name on......." instructions. Trying to be organised here, but I can't find them.🤔
I was looking for the "Put your money in an envelope with your name on......." instructions. Trying to be organised here, but I can't find them.

Being an anal retentive, I wrote them down when the Rally was posted [I DO need to get a life ...] :ROFLMAO:

£55 in envelope with Forum Name and number of nights on the front. The 'link night' before Stone needs to be paid separately to Jeff or Lorraine

Being an anal retentive, I wrote them down when the Rally was posted [I DO need to get a life ...] :ROFLMAO:

£55 in envelope with Forum Name and number of nights on the front. The 'link night' before Stone needs to be paid separately to Jeff or Lorraine

Thanks Steve. I had remembered it correctly, but I think that about lots of things I get wrong.😼
Thanks Steve. I had remembered it correctly, but I think that about lots of things I get wrong.😼
And the response invariably starts with, 'Well, I was SURE that I had done it correctly, absolutely certain ...' :ROFLMAO: . Well, it does in my case ...

Dear Jeff & co
We are having to pull out of this rally as Chris has just had a date (26th May) to have a cataract op. So sorry, but maybe someone else would like the space. Have a good one 🙂😏
Jeff I'm really sorry but I won't make it to this meet. Although definitely on the mend now, I've been poorly since the Hereford meet when a cold/flu bug hit me, so I'm way behind the game. Not Covid - I tested twice - but likely flu with zero energy and barely on my feet for a fortnight 😥 Sorry again but see you at Stone x
Jeff I'm really sorry but I won't make it to this meet. Although definitely on the mend now, I've been poorly since the Hereford meet when a cold/flu bug hit me, so I'm way behind the game. Not Covid - I tested twice - but likely flu with zero energy and barely on my feet for a fortnight 😥 Sorry again but see you at Stone x
Not to worry and hope you get better soon, see you at Stone x
Hello young Jeff.
As you may have heard, we broke down on the way home from the Motorhome Show at Newbury and just to keep you up to date, we are still here at a Commercial Garage in Uxbridge, probably for the second night running.
He is trying to get us inside the garage and onto a ramp, but at the moment she’s a non starter and it’s p*ssing down here. I can’t see them pushing us inside this afternoon, because they shut at 17.30, and then they would have to push us out again to spend the night.
We’re still going to pull out all the stops to make Hollingworth, but we might be a bit late. How late is in the hands of the Gods, but will keep you in the loop.