I see Clarkson is getting the order of the boot

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Pudsey Bear

Full Member

From Amazon Prime for his comments on Meghan Markle
I used to Like & respect him then he started speaking like Noel Coward, then he just got more and more fake as did TG, I thought the Clarksons Farm might be better and it is in parts, but then he does stupid things any child would know not to do just for effect and ruins a perfectly good opportunity to get a serious message across as people have already switched off.
Clarkson is an aged bloated bigot who has to scrape the bottom of the barrel for his latest supercilious, smug hate-filled outpourings. He called for strikers to be executed, and has followed that with his hate speech about a certain female

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Clarkson is an aged bloated bigot who has to scrape the bottom of the barrel for his latest supercilious, smug hate-filled outpourings. He called for strikers to be executed, and has followed that with his hate speech about a certain female

Ooohh, a lot of bile in those few words mate. :ROFLMAO:

This is how the World has gone in the past ten years or so, no doubt an effect of the likes of Twitter and Facebook where no other opinion is allowed to go unpunished.

Everyone is allowed an opinion but it is not compulsory to voice it angrily, it should be measured, otherwise it is just dismissed as a mindless rant. ;)
Everyone is allowed an opinion but it is not compulsory to voice it angrily, it should be measured, otherwise it is just dismissed as a mindless rant. ;)
I agree if the opinion is just you or I, who cares but he has a huge profile in the press and in the media and there are lots of people who think he's a god, JC might think he is too.
I accidently went past his farm thing back in Sept '21. I didn't realise until I took a right turn out the C&CC site I overnighted at and saw it was right next door.
Apparently people actually make a point of going there and even queuing to get in? No queues when I went past but I certainly would not go there regardless. Total obnoxious ******
The thing is most of it is an act, if he didn't act like a total 1674219903091.gif

He might win more friends, his humour is often self-deprecating which normally goes down well then he drops into Pratt mode and ruins any goodwill he might have got.

I will watch the next farm thing as I am interested in the sub matter, and hopefully, he will not be too tiresome.
Ooohh, a lot of bile in those few words mate. :ROFLMAO:

This is how the World has gone in the past ten years or so, no doubt an effect of the likes of Twitter and Facebook where no other opinion is allowed to go unpunished.

Everyone is allowed an opinion but it is not compulsory to voice it angrily, it should be measured, otherwise it is just dismissed as a mindless rant. ;)
Not a rant at all. Please point out where in my post there is anything that is not based on fact/justifiable opinion. Supercilious [Yes], Bigot [Y]; Bloated [Y] Barrel scraping [Y] Smug [Y] Hate-filled [Y]. I could have added 'racist' [30,000+ complaints made by the public], and even his own daughter dissociated herself from his comments

So, not a rant at all. My comment was measured. And 'mindless' is arguably tautologous in the context of rant

Not a rant at all. Please point out where in my post there is anything that is not based on fact/justifiable opinion. Supercilious [Yes], Bigot [Y]; Bloated [Y] Barrel scraping [Y] Smug [Y] Hate-filled [Y]. I could have added 'racist' [30,000+ complaints made by the public], and even his own daughter dissociated herself from his comments

So, not a rant at all. My comment was measured. And 'mindless' is arguably tautologous in the context of rant

Oh I see.

From now on I will accept all you say as factual and true. How could I have been so blind.

BTW, I am not a fan of his, I think he is a tit. And I wonder how you can be so certain of someone you have never met? As mentioned earlier, he is a 'celebrity' and like most of them he plays up to his audience to keep himself in the public eye and earn megabucks. He probably helps old ladies across the road when he is off duty. :D
Oh I see.

From now on I will accept all you say as factual and true. How could I have been so blind.

BTW, I am not a fan of his, I think he is a tit. And I wonder how you can be so certain of someone you have never met? As mentioned earlier, he is a 'celebrity' and like most of them he plays up to his audience to keep himself in the public eye and earn megabucks. He probably helps old ladies across the road when he is off duty. :D
Sarcastic and patronising too. Oh dear. I shall ignore your posts from hereon in.

there’s no such thing as badpublicity he has his fans and several netflix subs been cancelled because of there stance, personally think he plays up to his image as a matey chap never a fan of top gear but quite liked him on millionaire & the farm series
He can be quite abrasive on Millionaire too if he thinks he can get away with it or the victims is a bit of a smartarse, I am almost certain that when he has to answer a question if he doesn't like the victim then he will cleverly evade a correct answer, just a feeling of course.
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