Led rear lights

Why didn't they just stick with the amber lenses and cheaper bulbs.
Why didn't they just stick with the amber lenses and cheaper bulbs.
No idea but the amber bulbs do fade in time. And I don’t think it’s use that does it either. Maybe it’s the sunlight.
I thought it was heat, maybe just mainly on town traffic though.
Indeed, I've had the odd problem but it's been with the holder and tarnish. As mentioned I've not got the slightest inclination to swap the bulbs for LEDs but surely they'd have the same connectivity issues as incandescent bulbs anyway? As for Trev's 'less draw on the alternator"
It's less than 2A once in a blue moon Trev, hardly an alternate killer mate😁
I suspect that a lower current draw might lead to more corroded connection, not fewer. But if you fit the resistors, there isn't less current draw anywayc
We are it seems talking about two different way to do it, I didn't buy bulbs I bought lights and wired them in.

I was lucky that these were the same size as on the Laika which had earthing issues I did a re-design on what was already there, the LED lights back in 2008 were about £5 each truck stuff is much cheaper than MoHo crap.

My alternator gives well over 200A, so when the engine is running, there's plenty of power. The headlights are HID so give a lot of light for little power, and no need for a pedestrian cutter on the front
I only mow down townies.
We are it seems talking about two different way to do it, I didn't buy bulbs I bought lights and wired them in.

I was lucky that these were the same size as on the Laika which had earthing issues I did a re-design on what was already there, the LED lights back in 2008 were about £5 each truck stuff is much cheaper than MoHo crap.
I suspect they'll be more reliable than LED bulbs.
Same thing, just laid out in a different pattern, you tend to get what you pay for with LEDs, good no cheap, cheap no good, the ones I got were luckily universal trailer lights and surface mounted on the back so fit almost anything with a round light recess or flat area.
Same thing, just laid out in a different pattern, you tend to get what you pay for with LEDs, good no cheap, cheap no good,
It's not as simple as that, LEDs like to run cool, but squeezing them into a traditional bulb shape allows very restricted heat dissipation,

A custom designed lamp cluster can give the LEDs far better coling, so they should last longer.

Just as well really, because if a 'bulb' fails, you have to replace the whole lamp unit.

If it was an option on my motorhome, I'd be tempted by an LED cluster.
The ones I used do hundreds of thousands of miles with few failures I suppose the plastic they are encased in will act as a heat sink.

As for the LED Bulb type, I've not noticed any heat coming off them, certainly compared to incandescent or Halogen.
Indeed, that's the problem. Because heat isn't coming off, the led modules in the middle get hot (clearly not white hot like a filament gets, but well above ambient) and that shortens their life dramatically.

The ones you use are designed for the job, unlike retrofit LED bulbs.