Prostate Cancer


They have put me on the hormone tablet now, I have 8 left so contacted the docs for new script, next day I get a text refusing to prescribe them ffs

"The new medication that Leeds hospital is asking us to prescribe is not suitable. The GP surgery is not allowed to prescribe this medication and this should be continued to be prescribed by the consultant at Leeds.
We will be sending a letter to advise this however please if needing a supply go back to your consultant sooner as the letter might take a few weeks.
Practice Pharmacist

AWC Modality"

So much for it being a NATIONAL health service
"......Leeds hospital is asking us to prescribe is not suitable".....
"this should be continued to be prescribed by the consultant at Leeds"

So which other leeds hospital is there that they are telling you to go to? You should reply 'Come on then, tell me where I should be going'.

That is just like a Trumpism. He recently asked 'which idiot passed this law'? Then the youtube switched to a clip from where he was previously president. In it he said 'this law will . .. . . do such and such a good thing, it's brilliant'.

Makes me glad I live in an excellent health care area. Our doc saved my wife's life after he spotted her heart trace wotever its called, she had had a heart attack. He called 999 and insisted on an immediate ambulance, got her swiftly into hospital and she got a stent. He also got my dad immediately into hospital when he had a throat thingy that the best throat operationalist in the country came and fixed. His chances of survival were 50/50 and they asked me if I wanted them to operate or not. I asked what would happen if they didnt and they said he would certainly die.
That's twice the doctor heard what was happenning, rushed out of his surgery giving his next several appointments to another doctor, jumped in his car with his kit and rushed round to our house. What a lovely man. He should have retired years ago - in fact he did - but we still see him busy at the medical centre. I think he deals with serious cases if he's needed. I am sure he does it because he has such a love for the health of anyone he can help. He's not rich, he drives a ten year old small car. There will be about ten thousand people at his funeral. The whole town will turn out.

Except that as he is Hindu, he did once say to me that he is supposed to be cremated on the banks of the Ganges and his ashes thrown into the river.

Talkng of pills I am being investigated to see if there is any life in my skull. No, actually for possible Parkinsons. I have been sent a text from the surgery saying I have been referred to the 'Geriatric Neurosomething-or-other department at Leicester Royal Infirmary'. So I am officially Geriatric, as well as being infirm.
About time I got me one of those campervan things . . .
I finally got a call from the surgery pharmacist, it seems some drugs come up as a red flag and can only be prescribed by the consultant.

If they had been clearer in the text or actually rang me, it would have saved a lot of time, now sorted the Leeds hospital pharmacy is going to courier them to me, 2 months each time.
They had me on 2 tabs, one was to shrink the prostate the other a counter drug to stop me growing a big set of dolly partons. :eek: 😂
Last time I had a prostate test, he removed his digit and proclaimed "I've never seen that before". I will assume for the sake of propriety that he really meant "I have never felt that before". Apparently there should be two of something, and they should be equal in size. One was bigger than the other.
I'm saying no more . . . I'm not on any Dolly pills or shrinking pills.
Last time I had a prostate test, he removed his digit and proclaimed "I've never seen that before". I will assume for the sake of propriety that he really meant "I have never felt that before". Apparently there should be two of something, and they should be equal in size. One was bigger than the other.
I'm saying no more . . . I'm not on any Dolly pills or shrinking pills.