Prostate Cancer

We were walking in the high street, close to home. Wifey said she felt a bit sick so we went into the pharmacist shop that we were outside of. "Can I use your toilet? I don't feel well". NO. Staff only. Back outside she threw up at the entrance to the pharmacist. Back home we made an appointment with the doctor surgery. Went there the next day, and the doctor took a heart pulse recording thing and said nothing much wrong with you, go home and rest. The head of the practice made a point of wandering round looking at ECGs - or is it EGRs or is that a motorhome exhaust. I forget. Anyway as soon as he saw my Mrs's one he ran into the reception, said reschedule all his patients, grabbed his emergency bag, ran out the door and drove fast to our house. Connected his EGR valve thing and immediately phoned an ambulance. Wifey had had a heart attack just outside the pharmacist. In hospital she had a stent put in and they gave us a graphic description of the damage done to her heart. That doctor has since retired. He was the favouritest doctor in town, and no wonder. It was his practice, I don't know what his salary was but whatever it was, he was worth it. He only drove a pretty ordinary car, and I never saw a new one in his spot. He was a sikh, a really lovely humble man, always chatted in his appointments, never tried to shove you out the door before he had extracted all the psychological information that he could. He did say that a lot of peoples troubles can be found better by chatting than probing and poking the body.
Outside the pharmacy now there is an emergency defibrilator machine. I just wonder if Dr Masharani had something to do with its installation. And the doctor who failed to recognise heart failure on the ECG very soon found other employment for some reason.
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Yes part of the welcome ro cancer pack
Eurrgh. That is not a welcome I want to hear. . . . .
The last time I had a Doctor's finger up my bum he said "Oh, I've never seen that before." Well that encouraged me, didn't it? "One side is small and the other is larger than normal." Side of what exactly, I never found out.
They did a wotsit blood test and rang me the next day and said it was borderline. I had to ask them to explain what that meant, and apparently there's some kind of scale and I was in the middle. So I said what number is lower than the border and what number is above. Well you are a bit above but only just so just come back in a year and have another test. Harrumph. That wasn't Dr Masharani, the chap I wrote about in my last post.
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Eurrgh. That is not a welcome I want to hear. . . . .
The last time I had a Doctor's finger up my bum he said "Oh, I've never seen that before." Well that encouraged me, didn't it? "One side is small and the other is larger than normal." Side of what exactly, I never found out.
They did a wotsit blood test and rang me the next day and said it was borderline. I had to ask them to explain what that meant, and apparently there's some kind of scale and I was in the middle. So I said what number is lower than the border and what number is above. Well you are a bit above but only just so just come back in a year and have another test. Harrumph. That wasn't Dr Masharani, the chap I wrote about in my last post.
Side of the prostate? The PSA test result can be expected to increase with age, so the "border" moves with age.