Weather Report..................

Very grey, very wet in Herts.
It's supposed to stop raining later today and be dry tomorrow before the deluge forecast for Monday.
Bill would feel at home down here!

Colin :):):)
Full Member;n33593 said:
Very grey, very wet in Herts.
It's supposed to stop raining later today and be dry tomorrow before the deluge forecast for Monday.
Bill would feel at home down here!

Colin :):):)

A beautiful morning in Moffat, so we're moving on before the rain ?
We should be far enough South by Monday to be in the deluge ?, Glasgow forecast to be mild and sunny that day!
Oh well, they do say that the sun shines on the righteous.
Just a little showery in Harrogate this morning, but decidedly chilly. Further South today for tomorrows alleged deluge. Sunny and warm in Glasgow I hear.
It's chilly but dry in Herts. The grass is still wet from yesterday's continual rain - so I cut it. That'll teach it to grow too quickly.

Colin :):):)
2cv;n33692 said:
Just a little showery in Harrogate this morning, but decidedly chilly. Further South today for tomorrows alleged deluge. Sunny and warm in Glasgow I hear.

Please don't take this personally, Bill, but have you considered delaying your southwards foray?
Surely the people of Glasgow don't want you to bring their hard-earned deluge south.
I'm beginning to think that the forecasters base their projections on a knowledge of where you'll be!

Seriously, I'm looking forward to meeting you at last at the Hereford meet.

Colin :):):)
Definitely chilly in Herts.
Definitely breezy in Herts.
Definitely deluge-free in Herts.

At the moment.

Colin :):):)
Full Member;n33699 said:
Please don't take this personally, Bill, but have you considered delaying your southwards foray?
Surely the people of Glasgow don't want you to bring their hard-earned deluge south.
I'm beginning to think that the forecasters base their projections on a knowledge of where you'll be!

Seriously, I'm looking forward to meeting you at last at the Hereford meet.

Colin :):):)

It just showery here in Bingley this morning. I'm desperately trying to fight off my personal cloud (as sold by WD) before Hereford. Be great to meet you there.
Micro climate working well in bude Cornwall but COLD ??!!!!!!!
Hailstones rattled the roof last night, in Regua.
dramatic drive up through the Port.Wine hillsides.

At Braganza... 2 degrees expected overnight..
The deluge didn't happen and I'm seriously pîssed off.
I spent most of the night making a cracking ark and organising pairs of animals.
What a waste of time and woodland.

Michael Fish's successors have a lot to answer for.

Colin ???
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Well despite the forecast deluge it's been dry since leaving Bingley. Lovely if slightly chilly evening in Uttoxeter.
2cv;n33771 said:
Well despite the forecast deluge it's been dry since leaving Bingley. Lovely if slightly chilly evening in Uttoxeter.

JCB country!!!!