Weather Report..................

Absolutely wonderful weather in Herts today.
Warm and sunny with a slight breeze.

So I reset a rotary dryer socket into concrete for Jane. That should keep her washing at 90° to the patio.
43° to the patio looked distinctly odd.

Colin ???
Another lovely day's weather, just beginning to get a bit cool in the breeze at Wetherby.
Got up this morning at Cite Europe dreading come back as it was so dull and cold at Calais. As we travelled North, the warmer it got:The_Sun_Emoji:and it’s still warm at Sunny Scunny at 6.30pm.

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant, Chris.

Colin ???
Was in letterkenny today co donegal with kids at outdoor play/farm park and so hot i think i have got sunburn:The_Sun_Emoji:my neck is on :Fire_Emoji:.
Perfect morning in Wetherby. Feeling very lucky to live in the best country in the world, especially when the weather is perfect too.
Yep, wall to wall blue here in Herts too.
Please don't worry about me.
I'll cope somehow.

Colin ???
Edina;n34898 said:
Tarmac melting, paving cracking - where will it end?

Most probably at a T-junction, Chris.
But you knew that already, didn't you?

Colin :):):)
Lovely blue sky up there in Herts this morning.
So I've dug out some awful 'Animal' red and white surfin' baggies to shock the locals with today. Linda would love them but probably few others would.
I might even play some rather loud Beach Boys stuff later.

Colin :):):).
Hot, sunny Aircon weather,all the way from East Leeds to Altrincham.
Got the chairs out, to read in the shade. Thunderclap,followed by rain and cold north wind.
Where did THAT come from ?
Is 2CV nearby?