Weather Report..................

You've done it again, Chris!
Brilliant Emojis.

Colin ???
It was a lovely bright start to the day in Hertfordshire.
So I've come over to the Thames estuary at Leigh-on-Sea. Where it's warm and sunny.

Colin ???
Back to the usual:Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops and pretty cool too Im afraid.
Grey, sun, grey, shower, sun, grey, sun, shower...……..

Please make up your mind up there. The solar panel is becoming both confused and giddy.

Colin :):):)
Couple of hot days while being a tourist in Gent. Bit overcast today but we are back on the road so not a problem
It's raining!
Just like Glasgow, no doubt.

Colin ???
It rained a little overnight and was grey until about 0900 but now it looks as though summer is returning.

Colin :):):)
We have not had the rain everywhere else seems to have had. We had a tiny bit over night last week and a shower lasting less than 10 minuets the other day... other than that it’s just overcast or sunny, very warm and extremely muggy... I really would like a good pour down of rain to freshen the air.