Weather Report..................

It's been grey since dawn but the sun is just beginning to break up the grey.
I've got to manhandle the new solar panel up onto the roof of the Moho this afternoon so I'm pleased with the improvement in the weather!

Colin :):):)
God doesn't use the same weather forecast site as me.
He hasn't realised that it's not supposed to be raining in Leeds..
The sun stayed out this afternoon and it got pretty warm up on the roof. (That would make a brilliant title for a song!).
The new solar panel is now resting in the sunshine up there and the aluminium brackets will most likely be bonded to the roof tomorrow.
I've an idea that the solar panel and the sun are going to get on very well indeed.

Colin :):):)
Full Member;n35599 said:
The sun stayed out this afternoon and it got pretty warm up on the roof. (That would make a brilliant title for a song!).
The new solar panel is now resting in the sunshine up there and the aluminium brackets will most likely be bonded to the roof tomorrow.
I've an idea that the solar panel and the sun are going to get on very well indeed.

Colin :):):)

I await tomorrows instalment on the fitting of the solar panels, riveting or should I say I'm glued to it.
More :The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji: here this morning. However the forecast for the coming days suggests back to normal, so time to rouse the brolly from hibernation.
The sun is being coy this morning but it looks as if it could do a 'Full Monty' later.
My fingers are crossed and there's a hint of anticipation on the solar panel.

Colin ???
Edina;n35610 said:
Tis pluiting down now :(

It's definitely time to abandon north west France and get back to the altogether more agreeable weather in CTL, Chris.
Surely the River Mayenne can't offer anything the River Exe offers?

Colin ???
Great day warm sunny and dry, until 7.30pm when we were ready to have a bbq with a few friends.
Then a lovely cooling shower to drive us indoors.
The weather has been hot today at Appleby and the forecast tomorrow is warm again
Greyish this morning but by lunchtime the sun had frightened the clouds away and it warmed rapidly. Now it's a lovely afternoon, the sun is happily chatting to the new solar panel and Hertfordshire is content.
Tomorrow the forecast is for equally good weather.
So I'll get on with testing the new solar installation.
Fingers crossed on my behalf, you lot!

Colin ???
Well done Colin, soon have those batteries bubbling.

Stopped for the night at Clecy south of Caen, where we have thunderstorm warnings but no signs yet - very pleasant.
Evening all well the sun shone today which I was pleased about as we went to a christening but come tea time the rain came,wasn’t bothered as we were back home by then! Earlier on today saw the photos on FB of Appleby yesterday and apparently it rained quite heavy so we missed that then! When we were coming towards Brough it started raining but nothing serious