Weather Report..................

The Panasonic and I are lapping up the photons today:


Glorious sunshine in Herts.
(Apologies for the voltage surge when I switched on the new solar panel).

Colin ???
Slightly overcast right now, which is nice because it’s a smidge cooler than of late, but I do believe the sun will be out later.
It's nice to have some sunshine, and it’s been a good couple of weeks worth now.
Grey in Herts and just a few moments of drizzle earlier. Is that supposed to happen?
Now, quite unlike me, the cloud is thinning and it's altogether brighter.
The solar panel worked for it's keep yesterday afternoon so now it's able to relax a little. This afternoon it's harvesting just a few photons in order to send electrons through the cabling for the batteries to enjoy.
Is that what is known as a symbiotic relationship?
So many questions. So little time.

Colin :):):)
Another nice day here, but the jetstream is moving North so back to traditional Scottish weather on Wednesday night :Very_sad_emoji_icon
It's a sunny, warm end to the day in Hertfordshire.

Colin ???
Lovely day again so far, but battening down the hatches for heavy rain and gales tonight.
Lovely weather in Herts. Sunny, warm and calm.
Perhaps summer is about to arrive?

Colin ???
Lovely blue sky with fluffy white clouds and a breeze across the canal with gently waving flags on the boats.
We are not at home! We are parked at Gravelines in France
Linda;n35737 said:
Lovely blue sky with fluffy white clouds and a breeze across the canal with gently waving flags on the boats.
We are not at home! We are parked at Gravelines in France

Have a great time, you two.

Colin :):):)
very overcast and dull, but still quite warm really. The forecast says sun latter.
Hector is in West Yorkshire but to be honest he is a bit of a let down he should have stayed in his house.
It was breezy first thing this morning but really nothing special.
From late morning it's been very pleasant weather and I dried a couple of wash loads in no time at all.
It's been a lovely evening so I sat in sunshine and enjoyed a good read.

Colin :):):)