Weather Report..................

All by ourselves at the Will's O' Nat's, Meltham.. Is it something we said?
26 degrees, merciful easterly breeze.
We saw the smoke from the wildfires on Saddleworth Moor, yesterday.
Luckily the wind was blowing it westerly. WP_20180626_14_03_51_Pro.jpg
Pauljenny;n36123 said:
All by ourselves at the Will's O' Nat's, Meltham.. Is it something we said?
26 degrees, merciful easterly breeze.
We saw the smoke from the wildfires on Saddleworth Moor, yesterday.
Luckily the wind was blowing it westerly.

A very rare sighting of a Bentley in the wild!
Another hot one... when all this heat wave is done I recon we’ll have some amazing storms.
It's wonderfully warm in Westward Ho!
And long may it continue.

At the weekend please arrange a repeat performance at The Drove, Stonehenge.

Colin ???
2cv;n36125 said:
A very rare sighting of a Bentley in the wild!
I gather that the majority live on campsites. Is this due to many owners being ex tuggers? The give away is the water roll and waste hog that they still carry around.

Mind you, we would have scarpered PDQ, at the first hint of rain.
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Pretty tropical, here in Altrincham.
They'll be bringing out the standpipes soon.
Pauljenny;n36153 said:
I gather that the majority live on campsites. Is this due to many owners being ex tuggers? The give away is the water roll and waste hog that they still carry around.

Mind you, we would have scarpered PDQ, at the first hint of rain.

Most are ex tuggers, but we're slowly converting them to wild ways!

Very hot and sunny in Blackpool today.
It was about 31°C under a clear windless sky in Appledore earlier this afternoon.
Very pleasant indeed.

Colin ???
The sun is currently bombarding the solar panel with photons here in Devon.
It looks really happy. And so am I.

Colin :):):)
23c here in Rothenburg Germany.
Another hot one but there's a threat of rain later.
It's probably the weathermen keeping us on our toes.
Lee;n36164 said:
23c here in Rothenburg Germany.
Another hot one but there's a threat of rain later.
It's probably the weathermen keeping us on our toes.

I hope you supported the German football fans in the local bars.
And had a blöödy good laugh.

Colin ???
Full Member;n36167 said:
I hope you supported the German football fans in the local bars.
And had a blöödy good laugh.

Colin ???

It looks like they're sulking, we went into a bar where they were set up with numerous tv's.
They've all gone so we can only assume the world cup is over.
By all accounts the locals think there team are disgraceful or something like that.
It's never good the laugh when you're well out numbered so we just sniggered quietly and made a strategic retreat.
Back in Glasgow on the hottest night that I have known here. Nearly 32 degrees earlier, and the forecast is much the same for at least a week.
2cv;n36194 said:
Back in Glasgow on the hottest night that I have known here. Nearly 32 degrees earlier, and the forecast is much the same for at least a week.

The BBC report that yesterday was the hottest day in Glasgow since records began, Bill.
No wonder a wipper-snapper can't recall a hotter day or night!
I hope that you're enjoying the (temporary) warmth and dry.

Colin :):):)