Weather Report..................

Devon is basking under a clear blue sky.
I could get used to this.

Colin ???
Glorious sunshine,here in Goostrey,outside the Red Lion POI.. Tempered by a delightful easterly breeze..
To the northeast, the sky looks clearer, so perhaps the moorland fires are under control..
Wonderful weather in Westward Ho!
So I'm off to Wiltshire to meet Annie and Bill.

Colin :):):)
:The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji: and a perfect 22 degrees today. It was even pleasantly cool to sleep last night. At least a week more of this every day forecast, absolutely perfect, in fact I think that my brolly has dried out even.
The forecast is a couple of degrees lower than yesterday.
It should be pleasant yesterday was a bit yo hot.
Everyone enjoy this beautiful weather while it's with us.
Awoke to a wonderful view from the Salisbury Plain escarpment.
No wonder the White Horse has chosen that spot to see out the rest of it's days.
I'm now back in Hertfordshire where it's very warm and dry with a slight haze softening the direct heat from the sun.

Colin ???
28 degrees and :The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji:. Last time we had a summer like this here was 1995.
Another hot and sunny start to the day in Hertfordshire.
So I'll try and get the exhaust fixed. I think it sounds sporty but Annie said it sounded loud and rattly.
(The fence wire that Barrie found for me enabled a temporary repair that at least got me home.
And I'm confident that the sheep enjoyed their new-found freedom roaming Salisbury Plain).

Colin ???
Only 20 degrees here today after a cloudy start, still very pleasant though.
Just 14 degrees at present and quite cloudy, but another perfect day of weather forecast.
Georgeous here in Cornwall again.
Sone lovely dry weather in Scotland last four weeks but great to be back.
Now need to plan next escape, next w/e if I have my way!!!!
Absolutely perfect weather here in Hertfordshire.
Warm, sunny and dry.
So I'll use the bus pass to drop in to St Albans for an environmentally friendly shop and wander.

Colin ???