Weather Report..................

Wind turning Northerly, bringing temperature down. Normally meaning we'll have it dry.
Surprised to see they are forecasting rain tomorrow... Bring it on, says I.
Builders left at 4pm, having cleaned down all the skirting boards, light fittings and even the Velux windows.
No wonder they are always busy.
A very chilly goodnight to you from me and a 10€ bottle of Lidl single malt.
Count Basie on the radio.
I'm not one to complain.
-3 tonight in Sussex and a warning for snow and ice over the next couple of days. Good job I'm going back into hibernation after having a gazillion staples taken out of my back today and running a few errands. Wake me up when the snow's thawed :sleep:
Jenny do they take the staples out with a pair of those tweezer things that you buy in a stationery shop?
If so ouch.
I know I'm being silly but you have to laugh.
Seriously I hope you're on the mend and you'll soon be back on the road.
Just rain here this morning, 1 degree. Possible a few snow showers due later. ☔☔☔
We may get out in the van for a couple of days tomorrow, probably the last chance for quite a while.
Jenny do they take the staples out with a pair of those tweezer things that you buy in a stationery shop?
If so ouch.
I know I'm being silly but you have to laugh.
Seriously I hope you're on the mend and you'll soon be back on the road.
You're not far off the mark Lee! The hospital sent me home with a pack that included a sterile-wrapped plastic gizmo for the nurse to get the staples out... the pack said 'staple remover'... I swear you can get them in Rymans :ROFLMAO: It was 21 staples by the way :eek:

Freezing night and morning here but wall to wall sunshine, so no snow for us yet...
You're not far off the mark Lee! The hospital sent me home with a pack that included a sterile-wrapped plastic gizmo for the nurse to get the staples out... the pack said 'staple remover'... I swear you can get them in Rymans :ROFLMAO: It was 21 staples by the way :eek:

Freezing night and morning here but wall to wall sunshine, so no snow for us yet...

I was just thinking your back must look like you have a zip in it.

We're off to Porlock this weekend so I hope the weather stays as it is.
My hook up flap used to do that, cured by a short bit of Velcro wrapped round it.
Followed up on your hint, Bill.
I passed the cable through a heavy elastic band and used the loop to hold the flap down.
Very effective... We had a calm wind free night.
So much for the promise of rain... light clouds and sunny spells., so far.
Next rain forecast, Thursday morning... At 3 am !