Weather Report..................

Dawned a beautiful morning. Scents of Lavender and Cystus, the Portugal smell.
The builders arrived dead on 8.. Formal handshakes, all round. .
By 11. 50 , they started clearing up, slowly, thoroughly.

At Noon, the boss arrived and they all skedaddled off for lunch, after we'd breached the case of beer.
Returned at 1, loaded the truck, Cheerfully.
" The painters should arrive,early next week", says the boss "... " Should we talk money".... " Mais Loguo ". " Later ".
They've left us just a week's supply of water. There's 10mm of rain forecast for next Friday. Will we make it?
Damn good excuse not to hose down the dusty terraces.
Dawned a beautiful morning. Scents of Lavender and Cystus, the Portugal smell.
The builders arrived dead on 8.. Formal handshakes, all round. .
By 11. 50 , they started clearing up, slowly, thoroughly.

At Noon, the boss arrived and they all skedaddled off for lunch, after we'd breached the case of beer.
Returned at 1, loaded the truck, Cheerfully.
" The painters should arrive,early next week", says the boss "... " Should we talk money".... " Mais Loguo ". " Later ".
They've left us just a week's supply of water. There's 10mm of rain forecast for next Friday. Will we make it?
Damn good excuse not to hose down the dusty terraces.

…..or drink the stuff.

Colin :):):)
Can't believe it.
January and we're sitting out on the, dusty, terrace, Portuguese version of Radio 3 playing filthy, foreign Spanish Guitar music.
A lone, optimistic cricket is chirping away, off key.
A curry and the odd vinho tinto have been consigned to history.
Our cozy, comfortable van/ bedroom is hooked up and awaiting us..
We can have a lie in, tomorrow.
Dare we put our winter clothes away?
It's once again mild in Cornwall, though the forecasters predict the end of the world as we know it ...…….
……… 80kph winds, heavy rain ...…..

So I'll leave for Hertfordshire tomorrow.

Colin :):):)
fairly breezy, damp...not sun..........however....not opening curtains today........unless sin does decide to show itself.........koff ..koff.....sneeze sneee
Pleasant and mild today in Cheshire , just waiting for the strong winds tomorrow and Monday........... chainsaw at the ready those open fires and log burners don’t feed themselves you know ?