Weather Report..................

Morning all .
Beautiful clear blue sky.. Sunshine everywhere...
Then you step outside.. 9 degrees.. 35mph northerly gusts and a cutting wind chill.
Beautiful day out there, for walking wrapped up, skies blue with fluffy white clouds, bad under foot with the remains of frozen snow, the wind is biting, thought about putting my washing out, but it would be like cardboard ah ah, here in Milnrow Lancashire
Hertfordshire resides under a glorious sky this morning.
It's chilly but a Good-to-be-alive kind of day.

Colin :):):)
Struggled down to the village ,wearing all our winter warmers. The brandy was already waiting as I Shambled into the coffee shop.
On the way back, the wind changed and eased.
Lunch was outside ... Most surprisingly.
We're gradually shedding layers of clothing, on the understanding that we'll need to put them back on later
Here in Exeter it started to sleet a little yesterday afternoon and then got a little more serious as it grew dark. I let the dog out later on and it was a bit white all over. Then there were plenty of warnings on the TV regarding Devon and Cornwall and it was still com8ng down. This morning it’s all white, but barely an inch really, so with hope it will be gone by tomorrow.