Weather Report..................

We had to keep the bedroom velux open overnight, to draw in a sweet northerly breeze. The music in the village stopped at 3 sharp..
At 06.50, a tractor wheezed and rattled up the hunter's track high above us.. 15 minutes later, 10 maroons went off, a second apart, echoing all around, setting every dog barking for miles about..
Might be a disgruntled local, getting his own back for being kept awake.
It's going to be a scorcher, unless this slight southerly breeze can be persuaded to turn about face.
South Shields again this afternoon for Colmans fish & chips and (at last!) a Minchellas ice cream.
This is getting to be a habit! Last fun day out for at least a week or two as nuclear blasting commences again tomorrow :)

There was another free music event going on in Bents Park, the headline act this week Gabrielle, last week Midge Ure and Nick Heyward.

The North and South piers at the mouth of the River Tyne.




Never knew this old eye was here :)



Naked ladies in the boating lake park - 4 of them on plinths! Cover your eyes...


Lots of lovely old restored park benches everywhere. This one had squirrels & mice on the wrought iron ends.


Very nicely restored Victorian band stand. Spot yours truly with the obligatory hat ...




Finally, the best bit! Minchellas Italian ice cream. Yay! (Annie eat your heart out ;) )

stormy skies this evening....looked dark and foreboding rain or thunder.etc.........maybe we have just been fortunate..........further north has had torrential rain and thunder lightning storms........knocking out the tv etc......

all have a peaceful night and stay dry
Well today has been hot and I waited for the storms to come and finally they did arrive,Malcolm wasn’t bothered at first (he’s not keen) and then it really started and now it’s still muggy so it didn’t clear the air and just been outside and it’s still raining slightly, but nothing compares to those people of Whaley Bridge love it at South Shields lovely beach
Thunder and rain last night but no lightning. Hmph! ? ?

Nice morning here.

Been out since 5:30am, before the sun gets over the horizon, managed to finish up some potting on and cold frame tidying that was desperately needed. Won't have the energy to do anything after 3rd visit to the Nuclear Beauty Parlour later today ;) :)

Hoping to get washing hung out in a bit. Got all me mucky gardening gloves pre-washed and bunged in washer now. With luck all will be dry when we get back from horsepiddle.

Oops! We just had a brief rain shower. The forecast for today was clear & sunny, hope they've not mucked that up! :p

Got the big sis coming tomorrow to take over ?? Neil is off to his Mum's until Friday then back to pick up his tent for Druridge - good luck with that, looks a wet weekend forecast for The Bay! :( :(
All the best for today Marie, clear blue start here in Cheshire and forecast looks good. Off to daughter’s soon to shift some furniture ready for the carpet fitters and then it’s off in the van for a few days R&R ??
Your posts are making me smile, Marie!
Thank you.
Keep positive and do remember that our thoughts are with you.

There's a bright blue sky above Cornwall and it's apparently set fair for today.
So I'm heading eastwards.

Colin ???
Fab start to the day here in Yorkshire dry sunny for now but a visit to the dentist May spoil that ? feeling ?

Nothing that the up coming mackerel season won’t put right I’m thinking 2 weeks fishing mid September.
waarm and muggy...had a good shower of rain earlier....suns showing its face forecast not looking favourable for the meet on the 8th.........fingerscrossed anyway......... they dont always get is they now.....
hope all goes well with treatment marie...........take care
A gentle 32 degrees, At breakfast .
A silky , subtle breeze.
A cool beer at the bakery, half way through our training walk.
So far, we've foraged figs, grapes, and in return for bringing a loaf back for a neighbour, ...A litre of home produced extra virgin and a bag of home grown green beans.
Hope it's as pleasant as this in Altrincham, next Monday.

Trixie, My pomegranates are getting to be a good size...