Weather Report..................

It's been chucking it down here in Hertfordshire all morning. Not only that but the temperature has dropped to 7°C - quite a noticeable transition from the glorious weather we've enjoyed for the past few days.
This afternoon the rain is forecast to be much lighter and intermittent, but unfortunately probably not dry enough for a spot of outdoor exercise.

Colin :):):)
It's 10°C in Hertfordshire right now but the temperature isn't expected to climb much higher as the day progresses.
It's also calm, grey and dry but rain is anticipated later - so some exercise this morning methinks.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Tis a drizzly Devon day :(
💚.....Not !
Pretty good day here .
It strikes us that that's the last of April..
Last chance of any decent rain, this side of Autumn.
We're not as badly placed, as previously, though.... And we lived through it.
Shopped, this morning, needing the Aircon blasting ,on the way back.
Doffed most of our clothing, when home.
That first, chilled beer worked wonders.
Lovely, breezy evening, now, toasting the Sundown.
Moist in the Exe valley and the gardens are grateful. Neighbour has a flowering cherry tree and our bus looks as if it's decked out for a wedding :)
Lots of showers through this morning with a temperature of about 10°C.
And more of the same is forecast for this afternoon.
But.......... tomorrow things are expected to change for the better!

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
29 degrees in the sun at breakfast .
29 in the shade at lunch.
High level winds bringing cloud from the NW. Lower ones ... cloud from the SE.
When the 2 levels overlap, it becomes cool and glum.
When there's open blue sky, it's hot.
Lots of showers through this morning with a temperature of about 10°C.
And more of the same is forecast for this afternoon.
But.......... tomorrow things are expected to change for the better!

Colin 🙂🙂🙂

The 'showers' forecast for this afternoon arrived. But the forecast hadn't warned that they would be of biblical proportions.
The last time I saw rain like that was in Singapore - where the roadside 'gutters' are about 2metres X 2metres in section.
So I guess that we got the whole of April's showers on the last day of the month?
Sorry you missed that, Paul. It would have saved you prancing about wearing the Emperor's new clothes in the middle of the night for the next three years.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
We're sitting outside , in our external dining room.. the one with the sky for a ceiling. It's 18 , calm degrees.
Half a moon and every star lighting up the blackness of the heavens.
Brahms on the radio, braised pigs cheeks goulash under our belts.
A 5 litre box of Alentejo red on the go.
Mustn't grumble.