Weather Report..................

It's very breezy with scattered clouds rushing east to west here in Hertfordshire.
The breeze makes the temperature of about 10°C seem much colder and, as Bill reports, it looks as if colder weather still may be in store for us in a few days time.
The short term forecast, though, is much more positive with plenty of sunshine expected hereabouts through until the weekend.
That'll do.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
A " Good to be alive ", morning.
20 degrees at 8am.
25 now, in the shade.
Gentle SE breezes.
Few puffy cloudlets strolling in from the SW and mares tails , above them, interloping in from the North.
We promised ourselves a rest day on Saturday, but failed.
Ditto Sunday and yesterday.
We're really going to try to do nothing much today.
Hertfordshire is experiencing blue from horizon to horizon. There was frost overnight but now the temperature is climbing nicely and it looks like it's going to be a great day with a gentle breeze and a likely high of about18°C.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Gimme shade... !
Plus cold beer with a dash of lime.....
There's idle talk of rain , tomorrow and through the weekend... So says XC Weather.
They tell fibs, sometimes.
We have a glut of mint maturing.

Place a large bunch in a litre bottle of water.

Leave in fridge for a couple of days.

Pour some of the liquid into a highball glass. Add ice, dash of lime juice , a teaspoon of honey and a goodly slug of cooking brandy...

Combats the 29 degrees we had, under the parasol, this afternoon.

It's still working, as we listen to Charlie Parker on the local Jazz radio, on the terrace.

Predictive text gives , " Dimmock ", after " Charlie." .
Nice night here at home ,off the bed as I’m away to Aberdeen the morn first here’s a pic of the moon

I love your photos Gordon, but having been made redundant can’t now make them display properly like I used to, so it would be great if you could just hit the full image button or if a series thumbnail. Thanks.