Weather Report..................

Well what a difference a day makes yesterday bitterly cold and snow today sunny dry and warmer.
I've spent a lifetime exploring our little islands and still find more to be amazed at every year. Be good if Glasgow could a giant umbrella though ?[/QUOTE said:
Good Idea, Bill.
Maybe, when Boris has finished his bridge to France, ( Which side of the road will they drive on ? )... Perhaps he'll have enough materials left, to build your umbrella.

Weather as usual,here, not boring, though... We've got the almond blossom to watch and the Crested Larks, are arriving.
Full Member;n20663 said:
I understand that lots of people both enjoy and benefit from a milder climate than the UK, Paul. My brother lived in southern Spain for many years and thoroughly enjoyed himself there. I'm fortunate enough to be able to visit warmer, sunnier climes pretty much as I please and visits suit me well. I was simply trying to register the fact that things are pretty much constant on the costas and for me, assuming my circumstances don't change, it will only ever be a place to visit, not live.
It's clear that you have embraced Portugal and it's culture and are very
happy there. That makes many of us happy with and for you.

Colin ???

Very true, Colin.
The Costas and their like are really there to produce an income for the Mass Tourism Industry,.. IMHO..
Designed for people to fly in , stay in paid accommodation, Eat ,drink, dance, sunbathe,then go home, before getting bored and a nuisance, leaving money in their wake, and room for a fresh intake to be processed.
The Wave of elderly motorhomers, swarming in, nowadays, doesn't fit that convenient profile..
Enjoy your travels.
Morning campers well the weather today is positively balmy the sun is shining sky is blue (for now)! and it’s quite warm
Pauljenny;n20681 said:
Good Idea, Bill.
Maybe, when Boris has finished his bridge to France, ( Which side of the road will they drive on ? )... Perhaps he'll have enough materials left, to build your umbrella.

Weather as usual,here, not boring, though... We've got the almond blossom to watch and the Crested Larks, are arriving.

Perhaps they’ll have a flyover in the middle that switches sides!!!
bridge would be more of a challenge than digging a whole me thinks.
Warm and sunny right now on the coast north of Valencia but the forecast towards the weekend is not looking so good.

Colin ???
The sun is shining here but it is very windy with some big gusts not sure that was forecast lol
All of a sudden, the forecast has changed from 2 weeks unbroken sunshine, to a couple of hours of gentle rain on Thursday.
That'll do nicely.
We'll believe it when we see it.

[IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"https:\/\/\/core\/image\/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP\/\/\/wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw=="}[/IMG2]​ Today's smugpic
2cv;n20841 said:

That combination of emojis is a rather clever weather report, 2cv!

Colin ???
It’s really quite windy here with some descent gusts had to shut the window it was rattling that much.
Calm, blue, bright, warmish.
Oh, and the weather is similar to me.

Colin ???
Misty, damp 7 degrees at 7.30.. Today's moodypic :

IMG_20180124_094806.jpg 2 hours later ,10 degrees, sun burning it's way through.
After our cheap cruise across the channel we have driven through lots of rain and cold weather. Today we are south of Bordeaux with beautiful blue skies and about 15' Bring it on!