Weather Report..................

We had clear skies overnight so the temperature dropped somewhat and I awoke to a sky to die for - brilliant blue in all directions.
The rather significant frost is fading quickly as the sun rises and it's rays spread across the ground - in fact it's already 5°C.
So no need for help today, Dave, the considerable effort you all put in yesterday on Hertfordshire's behalf will, I suspect, last for a good few days.
I really am grateful.

Bike ride?
Oh yes!

Colin :):):)
Grey and overcast here in west Wales but a large, orange thing in the sky is trying to show itself. I'm not sure what it's called as we see it so infrequently!

PS No rain yet - second day in a row!!
It's 4°C, frosty and unbelievably beautiful in Hertfordshire under an unbroken blue sky.

We've all noticed that the days are getting longer so I thought I'd check just how the improvement varies with location (in effect, latitude).
Since the winter solstice (21 December 20) the days are now 1 hour 49 minutes longer in Lisbon, Portugal, 3 hours 1 minute longer in London and 3 hours 36 minutes longer in Glasgow.
So Glasgow has it and I'd like to offer my congratulations!

Colin :):):)