Weather Report..................

Breakfast outside, shorts and T shirts
Forecast unbroken sunshine..
No foreseeable rain.
Spent the morning gardening and tidying away the rainwater harvesting tackle

Carrot& Coriander soup.
Sweaters and Trackkie bottoms.

Looks ominous, the Blackbird is not convinced.
Home grown coriander .. weird soup colour..
A little tomato puree makes it look less like liquidised kangaroo droppings.
Ho hum !
Yesterday we had a most enjoyable ride along National Cycle Route 4 to Bristol. I was really impressed by the huge development around the old dock area - lots of public open space, restaurants, bars etc and now that lock down is easing it was great to see so many people out and about and enjoying themselves.
We cycled past the SS Great Britain:


...... and on to the Clifton suspension bridge:


....... via a huge sphere that mirrored our enjoyment:


But the biggest surprise was finding the Clifton Rocks Railway:


This is a funicular railway in an inclined, excavated tunnel which took visitors from the bank of the Avon up onto the cliff top at about the level of the suspension bridge. It's had a quite remarkable history, is due to be renovated - and is well worth Googling!

Today it's been misty twixt Bristol and Bath but the sun is rapidly burning the mist off and it looks as if we have a great day in prospect.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Normal May Sunday here.
Can't complain.
Management has decided to turn matttesses, discard winter bedclothes , clean windows..
I'm involved in the execution part... But not the pre- planning stage
Coffee time soon.
May have to be iced...
With a slug of white rum..
As the alcohol evaporates, it cools the drink.
Trust me, I was a metallurgist.
It was Iced.
It did cool the drink.
A grey start here in west Wales. It's not raining yet but apparently the sky is going to cave in all day. Typical that it chooses today as we are going away in the MH later this morning for our second trip of the year and I don't fancy putting the awning up in the rain!
The air is pretty much still at the moment here twixt Bath and Bristol.
The Weather Gods have planned quite a display of their abilities later this afternoon and into the night with plenty of rain and strong wind in store.
So a bike ride this morning or not at all methinks.
Yesterday's ride along the Two Tunnels Cycle Route was wonderful - into the 409 metre Devonshire Tunnel:


...... through the 1670 metre Combe Down Tunnel:


......a great view of Midford Castle:


.......and plenty of wild garlic:


Colin 🙂🙂🙂
After yesterday's sunny breakfast, wearing not much more than a smug smirk,
It's trackkie bottoms and sleeves.
The breezes are due to turn right round the clock.
The Seaweed Fondlers are even hinting at rain this afternoon.
We've put the parasol up...
Not to protect us from the weather..
But to shield us from pig droppings.