Weather Report..................

The Weather Gods have brought their aerial display to an end here in Kent, so the Master and his Apprentice have decided to land some fish.
The Master has adopted the traditional rod-and-line approach whereas the Apprentice is quite literally going in for hand-to-fin combat:


Colin 🙂🙂🙂
The sea is like a millpond this morning on the north Kent coast:


There's a very thin layer of high level cloud and a thin mist over the sea. The wind turbines in the outer Thames estuary can just be seen on the horizon.
It's about 8°C and feels much warmer in the virtually still air.
It'll be a walk and plenty of watching The Master haul in fish and small sharks today, methinks.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
We went over to Argyll yesterday and it was generally fine with just an odd light shower. Yesterday evening though was quite different with heavy hail and thunder, removing electricity supply for a large area nearby. Today it’s fine this morning but a chance of a repeat spectacular later. ⛅️🌦⛈
Got out early and lit bonfire before it gets too warm. Sitting in shady area now.....but warm too be further out. Collecting wood for next year later, if it cools down enough. Otherwise be early morning job again.
We have a lovely Kentish sunset behind the three mohos this evening:


It's cooling down rapidly but that hasn't deterred Annie from lighting her fire pit and Chris threatening the fauna:


Colin 🙂🙂🙂
What vaccination ?
Absolutely perfect. Apart from my phone choosing this particular day to pack up.,
That was the most painful part.
We're really impressed.
AZ shot..,back, 29 July.
Love this country.
The country bus in was charming.l
It's warming up here in East Sussex, with largely blue skies, although we really need some rain as our water butts are only ⅓ full.

Our tomatoes are coming on nicely in the greenhouse, together with peppers, rocket, lettuce and other stuff.

The fallen Dahlia seed I 'borrowed' :oops: from from the overgrown garden in a well known Georgian house in Herefordshire has germinated into a baby plant, and I can't wait to see if it is as lovely as it's parent.
Beautiful morning again. Up before gets too hot...logs to move around. Shopping to do before we leave Sunday .....not planning on stopping or getting out except for the unmanned fuel pumps. Oh and test at Spain/Portugal border....result to come before we cross into France if it all works out ok. Fingers crossed.