Weather Report..................

We've had plenty of rain overnight in Hertfordshire and this morning a couple of showers.
Right now it seems to be brightening up so presently I'll be converting some pallets to kindling for our winter fires.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Another bonus morning.
Overnight temperature fell to 16 degrees.
Had to find a blanket and close the bedroom Velux.
22 at breakfast and the winds are easing..
We're looking at 40+ in the shade later this week.
Normal for August
The gentle folk of Hertfordshire awoke to a clear blue sky today, though we now have whiteness joining the blueness.
The 18°C air is still, so no kite flying today.
On a very positive note, the weather gurus are confident that no rain will fall on Herts for over a week.
Yeah, right.

Colin :):):)
This wasn't forecast..

By we're not complaining..
Middle of August...?
Wed 11 Aug WEST3 hr1 hr
10:003 mphto5 mph29 °C0 mm
11:006 mphto6 mph31 °C0 mm
12:008 mphto8 mph31 °C0 mm
13:008 mphto8 mph31 °C0 mm
14:009 mphto9 mph32 °C0 mm
15:0010 mphto10 mph31 °C0 mm
16:009 mphto9 mph31 °C0 mm
17:008 mphto8 mph30 °C0 mm
18:005 mphto5 mph30 °C0 mm
19:003 mphto3 mph29 °C0 mm
20:002 mphto5 mph27 °C0 mm
21:001 mphto2 mph24 °C0 mm
22:001 mphto2 mph24 °C0 mm
23:003 mph
Similar to yesterday, warm, dry, and very pleasant.

My little NG-TF passed it's MOT, and so that's another year of motoring around the wooded lanes to look forward to. :)
Grey day in Staffs with a few sunny intervals, quite windy at times and much fresher, oh and rain since 18.00 ........... none of which has made the slightest difference to the trout who remain illusive ..... one last chance becore we head home tomorrow lunchtime. Did I mention that the van tv has stopped working and the airbag warning light has come on ..... 😡😡