Weather Report..................

We've had plenty of rain overnight in Hertfordshire and this morning a couple of showers.
Right now it seems to be brightening up so presently I'll be converting some pallets to kindling for our winter fires.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Another bonus morning.
Overnight temperature fell to 16 degrees.
Had to find a blanket and close the bedroom Velux.
22 at breakfast and the winds are easing..
We're looking at 40+ in the shade later this week.
Normal for August
The gentle folk of Hertfordshire awoke to a clear blue sky today, though we now have whiteness joining the blueness.
The 18°C air is still, so no kite flying today.
On a very positive note, the weather gurus are confident that no rain will fall on Herts for over a week.
Yeah, right.

Colin :):):)
This wasn't forecast..

By we're not complaining..
Middle of August...?
Wed 11 Aug WEST3 hr1 hr
10:003 mphto5 mph29 °C0 mm
11:006 mphto6 mph31 °C0 mm
12:008 mphto8 mph31 °C0 mm
13:008 mphto8 mph31 °C0 mm
14:009 mphto9 mph32 °C0 mm
15:0010 mphto10 mph31 °C0 mm
16:009 mphto9 mph31 °C0 mm
17:008 mphto8 mph30 °C0 mm
18:005 mphto5 mph30 °C0 mm
19:003 mphto3 mph29 °C0 mm
20:002 mphto5 mph27 °C0 mm
21:001 mphto2 mph24 °C0 mm
22:001 mphto2 mph24 °C0 mm
23:003 mph
Similar to yesterday, warm, dry, and very pleasant.

My little NG-TF passed it's MOT, and so that's another year of motoring around the wooded lanes to look forward to. :)