Weather Report..................

West Sussex is basking under a clear blue sky with nary a stirring of the air.
It's going to be delightful on the beach today ................... I hope I get to spend some time there.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
We had a small wildfire, overnight, a mile downbreeze of us, soon put out by The Bombeiros.
Woke up to clouds and a complete change of breeze direction.
Watered round and watched a column of dark clouds pour into to the valley.
It started to rain as I was doing my morning calisthenics..
It's a great joy to bounce on a trampoline in gentle drizzle, when you've not seen any rain for over 3 months..
Managed breakfast outdoors, before the drizzle returned.
As we weren't too overdressed, we just just sat and luxuriated in it.
Then we remembered that all the Velux roof windows were open, as we'd believed last nights weather forecast, saying no rain on the horizon.🥴
Don't be sad..
We had a wonderful 90 minutes.
The rooftiles were so hot and dry, nothing got inside.
The drizzle was so light and refreshing. .
Neighbours half a mile away, missed it all.
The weather Numpties say it's 29 degrees with unbroken sunshine.
We've got a glorious 24, light southerly winds and this..:
Or are we in the wrong place..?
Confident in the midnight weather forecast that there would be no rain overnight. We needed to open all ventilation, as it was hot and sticky.
On waking, we noticed drips along the rim of the Velux above our bed.
Damp, Misty, drizzling. 19 degrees.
This morning's forecast is for broken cloud and 25 degrees.
Our neighbourhood Goatherd is quite happy though.
We feel so sorry for all those poor tourists, who've paid out so much and had to jump through so many hoops, to squeeze in a holiday, this Summer