Weather Report..................

It's pretty dismal here in Herts with an overcast sky and air at 15°C passing from the north east.
It's even had the audacity to dump a couple of light rain showers on us!
If this approach to climate continues hereabouts I may well move further south.

Colin :):):)
The nearest town, 8 miles and 100 metres higher, is wallowing in 0.2mm of rain over the next 2 hours.
The forecast for us is a deluge of 0.1mm, between Noon and 1pm.
We've already had 27 raindrops.
22 cloudy degrees.
Light NW breezes.
I watered round, 3 hours ago.
Once again it's grey over Hertfordshire with a gentle northwesterly breeze bringing air at 15°C.
Looking at satellite images and air flow, there's plenty of cloud over the North Sea in store for us in the coming few days.
Not inspiring.
At all.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂