Weather Report..................

Lee;n26549 said:
Another report from Spain
We're parked up at Punta Umbria next to the sea the weather promises sun and temperature of 18c let' see what it really is, wait for the report later.

Just to report back the day exceeded expectations it manged 20c we had a lovely time on the beach with late afternoon drinks in the bar.
This is why we travelled all this way.
2cv;n26586 said:
Likewise in Palm Desert, 24 degrees and pure sunshine today

Nice one, Bill.
Not a hint of smugness.
?sunny again down here on the beach.
Brilliant sunshine here in Herts with temperatures set to rise to a giddy high of perhaps 7degC.
Definitely a day to enjoy some time on the saddle.

Colin :):):)
2cv;n26627 said:
That filter you leant me does seem to work well ?

Just remember to empty ir frequently.

No wind, comfy warm.
The council plumber, left at noon, Tuesday. Promised to return in 2 hours,to re-connect the aire water supply.. Should we send out a search party?
Well Me and Taya sat outside in the sunshine for breakfast in Northumberland this morning it's glorious sunshine and showing a temp of 11 deg outside the van and 12 inside but there is a cold breeze.
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Wonderful bright blue sky in Herts with lots of frost.
Dunstable Downs here I come (bike and legs permitting).

Colin :):):)
Business as usual,.
heavy dew this morning, soon burnt off.
Carnival, this afternoon.
A very different start to the day here, sea mist and a chilly 11c hopefully it will burn off later.
Life is full of ups and downs.
Bus into Rota , Mooch about the old town.. Coffee and a tapas. Then the carnival started building up, More blokes in frocks, Women and kids parading in fancy dress.
Dubious superheroes and nuns..
A star, ,Dressed as a 1960s Guardia Civil, handling out parking tickets and fixed penalty notices to all and sundry. We lunched in the Casino ,cheap and cheerful.
The bands were playing in the streets and squares, as we came out, The Guada, still theatrically handing out tickets..Pi55ed, by the look of him..
walked the couple of miles back to the aire, as there were no busses, stopping at 3 bars,en route..
The weather?
Yes there was some, I believe.
Misty first thing this morning here in Herts but now clearing rapidly and patches of blue sky appearing.
8degC predicted so it'll be a ride to our county town today.

Colin :):):)
Cloudy, 10 degrees.
Sunshine breaking slowly through.

Nice verbal argument between a Belgian and a grumpy,rude Brit at the,( broken, still unrepaired), water point.

Belgian tried Dutch, French, English. . Only when he tried to move the Brit's trolley, blocking his way out, did he get a response from our compatriot.
Only 10 this morning but 25 forecast later, still just blue sky. Much cooler forecast for a couple of days though, only 16 degrees max ?
2cv;n27033 said:
Only 10 this morning but 25 forecast later, still just blue sky. Much cooler forecast for a couple of days though, only 16 degrees max ? which case it's probably time to return to Glasgow, Bill.
No rain is forecast there from Tuesday 20th Feb until Friday 2nd March! Not only that but it's gonna be a balmy 10degC (max daytime) to -1degC (min night time).
You know it makes sense.

BTW I'm off to the smugshine at the end of the month.
I know it makes sense.

Colin :):):)