Weather Report..................

Cold and grey today in Herts.
So I went for a bike ride along the ex-railway lines. I took the The Nicky Line from Harpenden to Hemel Hempstead then country lanes to St Albans (market day today) and then home.
It was great to be out despite the distinct lack of sun.

Colin :):):)
Sorry to be boring but another sunny day down here.
Close to freezing early on but quickly up to 18 degrees and blue blue sky now. Close to record lows for this time of year but still perfect to sit out in ?
Picture postcard here-of a winters day. Blue sky, white frost and rosy red cheeks-heating on 'melt.'
Bonny blue sky, white frosty rooftops in Devon too, with cider red noses instead of cheeks!
Cold, slight white covering on the ground, maybe a frost or a slight sprinkle of snow over night, I haven't been outside to investergate yet.
Grey and cold in Herts.
And lots more of the same forecast for the next few days.

Colin ???
Fresh,sunny day. Winds variable. This could bring a change. Sister in law due to arrive, Monday... Forecast is for 5 showery days.. If only !
Trying to rescue the dried out garden, as there was no rain while we were away...
It's only 5 degrees here at 6am, but should be 17 by mid morning. :The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji: but still way colder than normal for the time of year.
It seems like Spring has sprung here. The valley is full of birdsong, all of a sudden.

Even a particularly persistent Nightingale .
Noisy Bu99er!
Once again grey and chilly today in Herts.
So I went for a bike ride.

Colin :):):)
Nothing to interest you here, please move on.

Just emptied the smug filter.
Perfect sunny day today with just a light breeze. Two baby hummingbirds now, the nest is about 2 inches across.

So, come on then !
Where's this rain that we've been promised?

Third washer load about to go on the line, .
I've been up since 7, recycling the rinse water.
We have prestigious guests, from the WC forum, arriving for the Gipsy market, Sister in law flying in on Monday.
So where's that rain?
Pauljenny;n27797 said:
So, come on then !
Where's this rain that we've been promised?

Third washer load about to go on the line, .
I've been up since 7, recycling the rinse water.
We have prestigious guests, from the WC forum, arriving for the Gipsy market, Sister in law flying in on Monday.
So where's that rain?

Behave you know we aren't used to wet cold weather.
How much water do you need we'll bring it up in the vans.