Weather Report..................

Just having our first rain since arriving in California a month ago, should be over in about ten minutes apparently then back to :The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji:, only about 18 degrees today at the coast though.
Edina;n28609 said:
Just started snowing again on the gentle hills of Devon.

At least we have something to look forward to:-

The Big Thaw

then the floods will start.oooooohhhhhhh
The drizzle mentioned above turned to heavy rain for an hour. Then occasional sun to dry the rather attractive wild flowers:

WP_20180303_13_40_31_Rich (2).jpg

This is the view looking across to Lanzarote from Fuerteventura.

WP_20180303_15_02_32_Rich (2).jpg

The very first photo of this thread was taken near the base of the volcanic cone just above the rock in the foreground. Just in front of the same rock are Curlews in their somewhat effective camouflage feathers.

Colin ???
We didn't leave the house today.
Nothing to do with Lee's birthday celebration,last night, honest.
Warm,muggy and showers.

Very necessary.
Today is the first day of my 68th year, it's been wet and windy, I hope this not an omen.
Lee;n28794 said:
Today is the first day of my 68th year, it's been wet and windy, I hope this not an omen.

Probably best to have a word with your doctor when you get home :Bandage_Emoji:
Lee;n28794 said:
Today is the first day of my 68th year, it's been wet and windy, I hope this not an omen.

Start worrying when you look up to find vultures/buzzards/kites circling over you.
They're better predictors than doctors.

Colin ???
Sorry Lee.. You're in your 69th year. You've had your 68th birthday.IMG_20180304_081210_kindlephoto-777910.jpg

Sudden ,miraculous change in the weather.....

Can't understand why ?
Pauljenny;n28832 said:
Sorry Lee.. You're in your 69th year. You've had your 68th birthday.

Sudden ,miraculous change in the weather.....

Can't understand why ?

There's always one read to pop your bubble.

The weather is lovely where we are this morning. It must have been Ken that was making it so bad.
Yesterdays' rain has cleared here on Fuerteventura:

WP_20180304_09_50_33_Rich (2).jpg

I'm hoping to fly my power kite later this afternoon.

If I'm allowed to escape from the 'craft' market I'm currently wandering aimlessly around ............
.................and the currently perfect breeze is still with us.

Colin ???
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Lee;n28847 said:
There's always one read to pop your bubble.

The weather is lovely where we are this morning. It must have been Ken that was making it so bad.

Funny, Lee, We had the same suspicion about Ken.

The neighbours have asked if you'd come back here, the next time we have a drought.
It's looking cloudy at the coast, from up here.. Don't put your raincoats away yet.

Jenny's chuffed, there's 3 washer loads nearly dry.
Let it rain... But give it an hour or so, before it arrives.
Just come indoors after lunch on the terrace.
Clouding over as the wind changes and freshens.
Showers expected..

Managed to clear the laundry and do some gardening.. At least we can dig into the soil.
Heating going on soon ... Temperature dropped from 16 to 13 degrees.
Just been to a free concert at the Spreckles organ. 18 degrees and very sunny. Back home to :Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops soon.

Currently a few clouds above Fuerteventura but clear skies and 24°C predicted for the day.
18°C predicted overnight.

Colin ???

Temp at +6just now thaw taking place new hazard is standing water and huge pools of water on the roads.
13 degrees, 1004mb, Westerly winds 24mph, gusting to 45mph. No rain today. Sunshine.

Here ends the weather forecast, brought to you by XC Weather.
Strangely enough, that's what we've got, so far.