Weather Report..................

Lee;n29084 said:
I got the implication to Roger in the cabin

You could be excluded from this prestigious internet site.

There's always one.
A tall one.

I'm looking forward to Hereford, Lee, and hoping we get the opportunity to post some smugpics from there.

Colin ???
2cv;n29092 said:
It doesn't seem to work very well, but I think that I can safely return the smug filter to your safe keeping.

Better hang on to it , Bill. I hope you have many opportunities to use it,over the coming months.
looks like its going to be sunny mostly with a bit of rain later on maybe.
Calm, bright morning.
Birds shouting away.
Due to change later as the winds fo a complete rotation of the compass. WP_20180307_10_05_15_Pro.jpgWP_20180307_10_04_41_Pro.jpg


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Bright sunny & warm if a little breezy. 16 C here in Xàbia!!!!
Back today and flew right over home before arriving back 5 hours later.

Looking reasonable here for the next week or so, and I hope to set up my Lidl weather station to give some accurate reports. Roll on a nice Spring.
Fuerteventura - sun and about 19°C

(Fly forward 4 hours and about 2000 miles)

Gatwick - sun and about 9°C.

Colin ???
Blue skies in Herts this morning though it has rained overnight.
So I'll go for a bike ride.

Colin ???
0 degrees and sunny at the moment. Temperature forecast to rocket to 5 later with some showers.
Grey,showery 15 muggy degrees. Seems to be coming from The Canaries.. Thanks Colin, but we're OK now.
Forecast to be here all next week.
We'll take our guest down to Fuseta, to compensate.
Nobody wants to see a photo, do you?
Bet Campervanannie is glad she’s not in Bradford the day apparently it’s getting hammered with the white stuff (snow)
Normal service resumed :Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops
Lovely here today in south Wales. 23.9 degrees! In my workshop that is with the log burner goin! I see the weather forecasters have pinched my 'Pest in the West' today. All we need now is a lout from the south and a dork from the north and we've had the lot! Happy days.
since i’m banned from smugness i can only comment been sitting out in the sun again all day have i really got to put up with another month of this time to find a site to watch the rugby at lol life is so hard for a poor old pensioner,


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Full Member;n29265 said:
Blue skies in Herts this morning though it has rained overnight.
So I'll go for a bike ride.

Colin ???

Back to normal then, I hope the bike didn't get rusty while you were away.