Weather Report..................

A very pretty few inches of snow to wake up to. Still a few flurries passing. It's a real bonus to get to see this after missing the main snow a couple of weeks ago.
We actually have very little snow here normally, none at all some years.
Dawned wet grey and grim.

We watched the wind turn from SSW TO NW, through the Velux window. The clouds disappeared. Out came the sun.
She kicked me out of bed, ,stripped off all the bedding, bundled up all my comfy warm clothes, that were artfully draped everywhere and ordered me into the shower.
She is just hanging out the 4th washer load..

I call it Spring Fever.
I'm not sure what that strange white stuff is that greeted us this morning but it was very cold and slippery.
We drove back from daughter's at 9pm - roads were relatively clear but it was -1' in car temp gauge!
I think next year these snowbirds will stay south a lot longer........
More snow fell in the gentle hills and valleys of Devon last night and it's minus 2 out there now.
No snow today. No frost either but, hundreds of icicles hanging about and 0 degrees. Brrrrrrr.....
Most of the snow drifts have blown away, what has not blown away is ice patches everywhere and mounds that had set, wind still here very chilly, lots of icicles falling from roofs and sheds
lil' bit more snow this morning and then that is supposed to be it for snow. we will see.
:The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji: a bit chilly but a lovely sunny day here, no snow or ice.
How green is my valley ?
Freesia jolly good fellow
More :The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji::The_Sun_Emoji:. Van cleaning day before a few weeks on tour.
Cool, bright and breezy.
But enough about me !
At least we won't need to go to the fruit shop today WP_20180320_001.jpg
:Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops:Umbrella_Rain_Drops. At least it's back to normal.