What did you do to your van today?

Installed switches to some of my 12v/usb outlets just so that their not powered up all the time, only when I want to use them
Cleaned the road grime off from the latest tour of Scotland.
Now need to find the right oil at the right price so I can service it. Manual says ACEA B4 fully synthetic 5W40 to Fiat 9.55535 N2 but i cannot find any oil to that exact spec other than from Fiat themselves.
I have also seen elsewhere references to ACEA C2 fully synthetic 5W30 which I can find at sensible price, so...
Van is 2010 3.0Lit Multijet160 ( no DPF)

Any recommendations/experience you can share?
K 🤔
Screwed the waste bin mounting bracket to kitchen wall, previously held on with adhesive Velcro tape which decided to fall off lol.
took the van for its first habitation/water ingress test yesterday,( dry as a bone) so had to empty everything out first. Today, starting to fill it back up again, but weeded out stuff we don't need or haven't used, ready for a few weeks down in Spain and Portugal. Hope to be chasing some sunshine till just after Christmas.
To answer my own question it looks like Comma x-flow type g 5W40 fully synthetic will do the job although I also noted Comma syner-g appeared to be same spec, described as for high performance engines and about a tenner more per 5L ???
K 🤔
I plugged ours in today as it hasnt been used for a month or so due to illness. We are off in a couple of weeks for a trip to the Gower so I thought I'd just get a bit of charge in the batteries before then. I'll then plug it in again the day before just to get the fridge up (down?) to temperature and probably pop the heating on too...

Today I made a table leg out of an old fencepost.
I have a small table with a centre pole and sockets on the table underside and the floor. I bought a Fiamma tripod base so I could set the table up outside, but of course the existing 700 long table leg is too long ( need 500 for use with the tripod base). I used to have another shorter pole on my last van but foolishly left it in the van along with a tripod base.
I can see on ebay new Fiamma poles with plastic end plugs where you cut the pole to the desired length but they are around £30 and more importantly my existing pole does not fit the tripod base, so presumably what I have already is not Fiamma.?
This left me needing a pole which fit my table at one end but the Fiamma tripod base at the other. So you see the need for a bespoke table leg...
Kept me out of mischief for a couple of hours
K ;)
Got a new indicator stalk to replace the one that turned the lights off when I indicated left,and refused to turn hi beam on. Twenty minutes cursing at the plugs under the dash to disconnect and reconnect the new one,all works as it should now so night driving is back on the menu.