A week of work on my self build Ducato. Fitted a new wiper motor and assembly, (brought from ebay DE), it stopped working on the way back from Italy, driving was a little difficult. New handle on my cooker, after I broke it while carrying it, had to make a new one for that, what pain. Repositioned my movement senser light over the side door, I had fitted it to far back and when the sliding door was open, the side of the van was in the shadow. Moved my rear view camera which is fitted to the roof bar, want it to show more of the back of the van, does a good job of showing the road behind, just wanted a better view close too, (I have a reversing camera for when parking). Went to reseal my roof vent after a leak, but silly old bugger I had left it open, but least it saved me a job. Bought a new smart charger and gave my batteries a refresh, that took four days, but now reading over 13 so all good there. Time to give the inside a good clean now, my Jack Russel puppy loves to tear paper to shreds, the little darling.