What made you smile today.

Winning something for the first time ever well apart from school sports lol.
Yesterday I managed to book a non changeable room at a Premier Inn for the wrong hotel! Today a very nice lady at their customer services let me change to the correct hotel.
Knowing it’s only 3 weeks and counting to the Scottish adventure
Campervanannie;n23732 said:
Knowing it’s only 3 weeks and counting to the Scottish adventure

Annie it’s still winter up here we’ve no had Christmas yet and if you go as far north as you’re planing it’s 1950?
Wully;n23856 said:
Annie it’s still winter up here we’ve no had Christmas yet and if you go as far north as you’re planing it’s 1950?

I quite like the 50s lol
Our new PC arrived today and our live in geek (youngest son) is just setting it all up for us and transferring stuff we need to the new one our old one was 16 years old run on steam lol
Finding ones of those lucky Chinese cats waving it's paw in Tesco for only £3. It's solar, so when the sun shines he waves.
Best thing is it says "cat" on the receipt so I'll put it through the business. That's £3 I don't get taxed on!:paw_emoji_icon_png:
Puppy rescued from beach by German couple who took the pair they found to the vets and have kept one.
Packing up and heading off for 10 days from tomorrow morning no plans just out in van before the mayhem begins after Easter may head south may go north won’t make my mind up until i hit the. First junction ?
We went looking at Motorhomes today (didn’t get one)!!
Sharon the Cat;n25478 said:
Finding ones of those lucky Chinese cats waving it's paw in Tesco for only £3. It's solar, so when the sun shines he waves.
Best thing is it says "cat" on the receipt so I'll put it through the business. That's £3 I don't get taxed on!:paw_emoji_icon_png:

I saw those and fought very hard to resist buying one hope it brings you luck and putting it through the books made me smile how lucky was that lol
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some of the predictive text mess ups pictures I read that were not appropriate for the site before I found one to post.
finally made a decision after weeks of thinking.........had an air fryer put away for me.....hope to pick it up within next few days........

phew....decision made.....chuffed...smieysmile now will be able to have a few chips etc when i fancy
I met up with my nieces and one of my nephews today... definitely big smiles day. Love 'em all to bits.

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