What made you smile today.

The Moho forum statistics box on the home page made me laugh.
The number of members is now...……………………..

Thanks, Phil. That made me grin.

Colin :):):)
Lee's post in the 'Unusual Hobbies' thread made me smile.
He presumably only painted the lower half of the plate.

Colin :):):)
Well what made me smile today, was it finding there were some suitable tyres without having to downplate the van or was it buying this? Won’t be delivered in time for Hereford I don’t think but will have a new set of boots on the van :)

Tidied the front garden, now I can walk down the road head held high.
No more of the neighbours looking and whispering they're always away look at the state of that garden
Lee's post in the 'Unusual Hobbies' thread made me smile.
He presumably only painted the lower half of the plate.

Colin :):):)

I got bored if you could see the other half I just wrote ditto.
It seems like this trip we were ment to see bums other bits in full view of the main road and a woman thinking no one can see her pulling her dress up and....well you can think ? what happens next!! :oops:
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