What made you smile today.

finally grass verge to front was cut today....thanks to daughter.........saw my little ggson yesterday....so still smiling from that......
The look on Karen’s face as she went round the field on the back of Charlie’s scooter :)
Sorry, Phil.
Someone's got to do it.

View attachment 38117

(It's most unlike Annie to miss an opportunity).

Colin ???
More than my life is worth, if I’m honest Colin that looks more like your self portrait there’s only one bum with a tan like that and it ain’t Mr Admins ????????

And I think it needs a shave.
Ha ha well they certainly made me smile this morning, how far will he travel Annie, (not admin) ?

What made me smile (and cheer) yesterday was seeing Karen ride round the field at Hereford on Charlie’s scooter on her own. May be the start of a new hobby :)

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