Who's Awake

Mother's Day is popularly held to be 9 months after Father's Night, for which frank and earnest preparations began 3 weeks earlier until the same sex marriage opponents heard of the plans. Because they don't think that a man and wife should be frank and earnest; one of them should be a woman, apparently :D The Assistanat Stage Manager is holding my coat in the wings, must fly ...


Sometimes I fear for you Steve, this is one of those times😁.

We are off in the MH today for 8 nights up to Cirencester.
Forgot about that, mind you my solar does it well in summer with out plugging in, I only have a small fridge, works for us.
If I forget to turn the fridge on, I do something to annoy Elaine; and her icy stare freezes everything instantly, saving gas and electricity. It does take some time for her to thaw out though ... But, there again, it all counts towards the 3 weeks notice/preparations, so not all bad :rolleyes:

Morning all. Should have been early'ish start with GP appointment for the monthly Blood Pressure Check and for Elaine's Jury Service. The Nurse is off sick [!], and the Jury Hotline message has been changed to 'We'll call you if we need you', so we wait around like lemons until the end of the week to see if she is needed ... Assumes 'Thumb up bum, mind in neutral' mode :rolleyes:

Morning campers shopping today then off to the coast for a few nights I really need this health not been great nothing major just my RA playing up then I pulled a muscle in my back.

Off to do some shopping in Cirencester this morning then taking the FiL out to lunch this afternoon.

Off into Cheltenham this morning so we can walk aimlessly around some shops and not buy anything :D
Morning All,

Rearranged appointment from Tuesday with Nurse [she was off sick ...] for BP and bloods. Quote expected from the builder for laying the base for the new Shed, so *might* get us revised delivery/erection date. Meanwhile the mousetrap pinged in the wee small hours so garotted bits to extract and reset with the next Last Meal :D

afternoon nice day in Whitby had Ice cream and having fish and chips in about an hour.

Mrs GMJ meeting a friend for coffee this morning so I'm at a loose end. I'll wander into town to buy a newspaper probably. Meeting our lad and his girlfriend for a drink and food later.

Off to Cricklade for lunch today. Meeting friends there.
Morning back home after a loverly few days on the Yorkshire coast.

Just cooked up and ate a bit of breakfast. Sunday papers to read and rugby on the telly later I think.
Morning shopping later emptied and cleaned the van yesterday so lazy day today let the washing machine take the strain. 😂

Just dropped Mrs GMJ off to meet an friend so I did some food shopping on my way back to base.